HZ-01-A safety system could be safely and effectively applied to clinical cardiopulmonary bypass and improve bypass safety by accurately detecting the pressure and reservoir level. HZ-01-A型液位、压力变化报警器在体外循环中可以安全、准确地监测泵压的变化及液面位置,提高体外循环的安全性。
Good result of leading injection could be achieved in the normal and subnormal pressure reservoir, while in the surer pressure and low permeability reservoir, delayed injection should be adopted. 正常压力及异常低压油藏适合超前注水,异常高压低渗透油藏建议采用滞后注水开采。
Furthermore, sensitivity of factors which influences the IPR curve is studied when considering the dynamic variation of deformation coefficient and start-up pressure with reservoir stress. 在考虑储层应力变化导致变形系数和启动压力梯度动态变化的前提下,对影响无因次流入动态的因素进行了敏感性研究。
Development practice and recognition of low pressure gas reservoir 低压气藏的开发实践和认识
Research of Reservoir Property Stress Sensibility of Abnormal High Pressure Gas Reservoir 异常高压气藏储层参数应力敏感性研究
A New Method for Determining Gas in Place and Effective Compressibility in Abnormal High Pressure Reservoir 确定异常高压气藏地质储量和有效压缩系数的新方法
This paper expounds the influence of water type, washing fluid mixed with additives and formation pressure to reservoir, and gives the method to improve reservoir performance. 文中阐述了水型、搀入各种药品的洗井液添加剂及地层压力对储层的影响,提出了改善储层性能的方法。
Study on appropriate production rate in high abnormal pressure reservoir at Zitong region of west-ern Sichuan 川西梓潼地区高压异常气藏合理采气速度研究
Application in 11 wells showed that this technology is effective to solve lost circulation in low pressure reservoir and the formation protection effect is remarkable. 现场11口井的应用结果表明,该项技术为解决低压钻井井漏及油层保护问题提供了新的行之有效方法。
The influence of reservoir pressure on coal bed gas wells is related to the ratio of dispelled pressure to reservoir pressure. 储层压力对煤层气井产能的影响,涉及解吸压力与储层压力的比值。
Based on percolation mechanics theory, the mathematics model of productivity index vs pressure was develoPed for an abnormal high pressure reservoir in this paper. 通过渗流力学理论,建立了异常高压油藏采油指数随压力变化的教学模型。
The effects of high pressure and reservoir rock stress sensitivity on super-high gas reservoir productivity are considered, the new productivity equations are deduced and the method for determination of the coefficient and the absolute open flow potential or deliverability are presented. 考虑了高压和储集层岩石应力敏感性对超高压气藏产能的影响,推导了新的产能方程,基于该方程研究了产能方程系数及绝对无阻流量的确定方法。
Fault diagnosis of airplane oil pressure reservoir outburst based on RBF neural network 基于RBF神经网络的飞机蓄压油箱爆破故障诊断
Field application results of 112 times in 96 wells in Liaohe oilfield indicate that this agent can control effectively leakage of workover fluid into high permeability and low pressure reservoir and is helpful to well stimulation. 该修井暂堵剂经辽河油田96口井、112井次现场应用表明,可有效地控制渗透性好的低压储层漏失.起到保护储层和辅助增产措施顺利实施的良好作用。
It plots typical curve of bottomhole transient pressure considering reservoir anisotropy, complex boundary and impermeable area within reservoir, and analyzes curve characteristics. 绘制了考虑油藏各向异性、复杂边界以及油藏内存在不渗透区域等因素的井底不稳定压力典型曲线,并分析了曲线特征。
Productivity model of abnormally high pressure oil reservoir with degassing effect considered 考虑脱气的异常高压油藏产能模型研究
The capillary pressure of reservoir bed and the conductive efficiency of fault are considered in the analogue calculation. 在古流体势模拟计算过程中,考虑到储层毛细管力和断层连通性的影响。
That the water lock damage is related to the factors as the water saturation, capillary pressure of reservoir, liquid surface tension and wetting angle, etc. 水锁损害与含水饱和度、储层毛管压力、液体表面张力和润湿角等因素有关;
Dynamic Characteristics Analysis for Airplane Oil Pressure Reservoir Based on ANSYS 基于ANSYS的飞机蓄压油箱结构动态特性分析
The study of gaseous Z-factor ascertaining method of deep layer and ultrahigh pressure gas reservoir 深层超高压气藏气体偏差系数确定方法研究
Recognition of flexibility on foam acidizing technology in low pressure fractured reservoir of cen-tral Sichuan Oilfield 泡沫酸化工艺对川中低压裂缝性油藏适应性的认识
In the paper, based on the software ANSYS, a FEA for the oil pressure reservoir is built as well as the dynamic characteristics of model_structure is analyzed, including model analysis and spectrum analysis. 本文基于ANSYS软件,建立了蓄压油箱的有限元分析模型,并完成了蓄压油箱结构的动态特性分析,其中包括模态分析和谱分析。
When fracturing, the fracture pressure of reservoir is crucial. 压裂施工时,储层破裂压力直接决定水力压裂的成功与否。
A new adjustable way was developed first time which use cluster well to decrease drilling cost and increase benefit in deep imbedded, low permeability, high pressure reservoir. 首次提出在深层高压低渗油藏采用分支井技术降低钻井成本、提高开发效益的调整手段。
Through establishing mathematic models of the wet clutch and use of the models to control the moving speed of the pressure reservoir piston, the cylinder pressure of clutch is further controlled. 通过建立湿式离合器的数学模型并利用该模型控制蓄压器活塞的移动速度来控制油缸压力,进而控制离合器的传递转矩。
A new method for the reserves calculation in abnormal high pressure gas reservoir 异常高压气藏地质储量计算新方法
Oil/ gas exploration in low pressure reservoir requires higher cement slurry density to prevent lost circulation from occurring, whereas the conventional light cement slurry system could not satisfy the basic requirements of cementing job. 低压易漏地区的油气勘探开发对固井水泥浆密度提出了更高的要求,而常用的低密度水泥浆体系在更低的密度条件下已不能满足固井施工的基本要求。
The reasons resulted in these variations lay in sharp variation in fluid salinity and fluid pressure of reservoir after long-period water injection. 造成这种变化的原因在于长期注水后储层中流体矿化度和流体压力的剧烈变化。
The Stress in Cylindrical Pressure Reservoir Subjected Simultaneously to Various Kinds of Local Loading 园柱形压力容器在各种局部载荷联合作用下的应力
Make clear formation pressure, reservoir physical properties conditions, properties, such as crude oil formation and fluid properties, the stimulation effect. 搞清楚地层压力、储层物性条件、原油性质等地层和流体性质对吞吐效果的影响。